olding Sunday - NYC, USA: Museum of Natural History 
(Formerly Folding-Free-For-All) 

Any OrigamiUSA members in or visiting the New York City area on the 4th Sunday 
of each month are welcome to join our monthly folding meetings at the American 
Museum of Natural History from 1:00 to 4:00 PM. Origami Sunday will be held 
this Sunday (March 27, 2016) in Children's Lunchrooms in the basement of the 
Museum of Natural History. This is the room mostly reserved for the fourth 
Sunday meetings through the end of next year, subject to some changes. In May, 
we will be meeting in the Rose Center Classrooms. The Museum will be closed on 
December 25, the fourth Sunday so there will be no meeting that month. 

Please bring folding paper plus something to share. It's especially appreciated 
if you bring a model to teach, but if you're not comfortable teaching yet 
please bring something else to contribute such as a model to show that you've 
been enjoying folding, an origami book or newsletter others might find of 
interest, or paper for the group. We will have a special sharing table" set 
aside for display of models to teach, models to show, books, publications, and 
paper contributions. 

These monthly meetings are a continuation of the tradition Lillian Oppenheimer 
began over 50 years ago of encouraging paperfolders to get together to teach 
each other and exchange ideas. OrigamiUSA is able to provide a meeting space - 
the rest is up to those attending. When you arrive at the museum please check 
at any information desk for the meeting room number. 

Remember the Origami by Children 

To submit an entry, you must be 18 or younger as of the submission deadline, 
March 31, in the year you are making your submission. Models must be classic 
origami, without drawing, embellishments, glue, tape, or cutting. For further 
information: http://origamiusa.org/obc 

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