Dear Origami Friends,

I think we, as folders, are an amazing group people with much to offer the
world. Unfortunately sometimes it is hard to know who is who. The project I
am inviting you to take part in aims to change that. It is an Origami Who's
Who book and the preliminary research for an origami history book.

Be aware, you can answer as many or as few questions as you wish. Also, if
you do not want to be included in the Origami Who's Who directory, but are
interested in being noted in the just conceived book, "Origami History: From
the Eye of an American Folder," please do NOT check the box at the end of
the survey for Origami Who's Who inclusion. The "I agree" box does not need
to be checked to submit.

The form of distribution for "Origami Who's Who" will be an Ebook and a
small self-published print handbook with the potential for growth.

Here is the survey link:

Thank you for your enthusiasm!


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