Greetings, AV Folders and interested others! This is your notice that there
will be one Origami meeting in December. It will be a RUFF (Rosamond Upbeat
Folding Fanatics) meeting, on the Second Tuesday, 13 December, at the
Rosamond Library, 5-7pm. This meeting has been *rescheduled* from the usual
day and time, for this month only.

I intend to be prepared to teach the Gift Bow, the Lily, and the Pop Star.

*********************   Last Month’s Meeting Report

The Meeting Reports are now being posted on my Facebook page (Antelope
Valley Origami).

Origamies we folded in November 2016:  (1) One-piece Closed Gift Box by
Robin Glynn;  (2) Two-piece Ornament, Traditional.

..... from Chila /// -------------------------------------------------------
Chilagami - I think, therefore I fold; I fold, therefore I am
Folding for Fun in the Mojave Desert
Southern California, USA
Antelope Valley Origami on Facebook

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