On Sat, Apr 22, 2017 at 12:19 PM, Todd Sovey <toddso...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On google,  if you type origami Santa iemo.jp,  you will get a photo of an
> origami Santa on Pinterest.  Do you know how I can get the diagram for it?

I think (though it's hard to tell exactly) that this Japanese blog might be
the original source of the image:


(look for "Dec 15, 2010" to find the specific entry.) Google translate
implies that the blog author may have come up with this specific version of
the piece on their own, so there may be no diagrams.

Five minutes of noodling with a piece of paper, however, and I managed to
get a pretty good replica, myself - the points of the lapels are two
neighboring corners of the paper (square) folded into the center; the
opposite edge of the square is folded over a couple of times to make the
brim, fold the brim down to the lapels, then fold the sides down to make
the point of the hat (folding it into thirds works nicely, and you even
have a spot to tuck one of the sides into); then fold the lapels.

Hope that's useful!


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