On 9/7/2017 2:10 PM, Andrew Hans wrote:

*I am curious then, as to why Origami OUSA has a different opinion .
Theyrequire us to get permission from the model designer or the estate
ifdeceased in order to teach a model at their convention. Is there
someonefrom that organization that cares to comment and offer their
perspective onthings?*

I'm a member of the convention committee with primary responsibility for
setting up the class schedules. A key part of that job is to make sure that
teachers have permission from the artists to teach their models.

Aside from any legal or copyright issues (covered extensively on the
OrigamiUSA website), I believe it's important to show respect for the
creators' artistry and hard work.

In the 7 or so years I've been working in this area, I've found that most
artists are very appreciative of this courtesy.  Also, in the spirit of
sharing that characterizes so much of what goes on in the origami
community, most are very happy to share their designs with the
teachers.  However, there have been occasions when permission has been
denied. So, all in all, it seems judicious, as well as respectful and
courteous, to make the effort.


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