Alain Joisel (Eric’s brother) sent out this notice that one of Eric’s works has 
been 3D-scanned. It’s pretty impressive; follow the link. And there will be a 
new exhibition of Eric’s work in 2018. Enjoy!




Thus spake "Alain Joisel" <snip> on 10/10/17, 3:20 AM:


Dear All,

Eric left us seven years ago. To evoke his memory on this occasion, I propose 
you to go see his dwarf going out of a box "Out of Geometry" which was scanned 
in 3D and put online as part of the 3D Virtual Museum project in 
Poitou-Charentes under development.
The goblin is already available at
Using the mouse you can look at it from all angles and even make Eric's 
signature appear below the box! To enjoy it, use the "full screen" mode. Click 
1 or 2 to access the comments. If your mouse has a roulette wheel you can also 
zoom. In addition, the link to the leaflet
Other information :
- The exhibition "Secrets de Papier" at the Maison de la Magie in Blois will be 
extended during our holidays of All Saints' Day (Oct. 21 - Nov. 5).
- The Musée du Papier d'Angoulême will celebrate its 30th anniversary and will 
be hosting an origami exhibition as a reminder of the exhibition Éric Joisel, 
the magician of origami, which was a real success in 2012 (dates scheduled for 
May 18 to December 30, 2018).
You can forward...
With my best wishes to each of you



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