cafeina wrote:

> ... Faltblatter is apparently a brand of origami paper.

"Faltblätter" simply means "folding sheets" and therefore is a mere
description of the content, no indication of the brand.

> superintensiv tauchgefarbt

This literally translates to "super intensive dive coloured" and means that
the paper has been submerged as a whole into a liquid colour solution to
get a bright intense colouration throughout the whole sheet. If you fold or
cut these sheets no white should show up.

> The company symbol is a black rooster with rainbow tail feathers.

Doesn't sound any familiar to me. The most common brands for folding sheets
in the German speaking area are Ursus and Folia.
Isn't there a barcode with a number on the package? If yes, please tell us
the number.

> Is there some special use for round paper in Germany?

Apart from folding (what these sheets are obviously intended for), you can
sometimes find  unusually shaped papers for presentations.

Nice Greetings

Anna from Vienna, Austria

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