*thank you very much Meenakshi Mukerji!*great help - exactly what i need :)

‫בתאריך יום ה׳, 8 באוג׳ 2019 ב-16:45 מאת ‪Meenakshi Mukerji‬‏ <‪

> >
> >
> > I'm Looking for assembly instructions for a ball made up of Sonobe units.
> > not the 30 parts ball... but the 270 parts ball (or bigger).
> >
> > i think its also called the epcot ball.
> >
> >
> Hi Ami,
> I think you are looking for the following:
> https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/3243724/which-geometric-shape-of-icosahedron-origin-has-180-faces-270-edges-92-vertices
> I have not constructed one, but to make the Sonobe version you would have
> to replace each triangle in the figure with triangular pyramids.
> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0e/Conway_polyhedron_K6k5tI.png
> Also, here is a similar construction but not with Sonobe Units. It's with
> spikier units but the idea is the same.
> http://origamee.net/gallery/spiky.html
> The underlying structure is a buckyball. Hope all this helps.
> Meenakshi
> --
> _____________________________________________
> My Modular Origami Galleries:  http://www.origamee.net

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