Hi Gerardo
Registered for this month's event. Did I get in?
Louise Yale in Northern California

> A project emerged from the Frankensteinian method hands-on presentation I
> had given over a month ago: "Foldeas: Sharing Ideas Through Origami". It's
> a series of hands-on presentations, all of them related to origami, by
> guest speakers from a wide variety of countries. The sessions will be once
> a month, every four weeks, always on Saturdays, but the time won't always
> be the same.
> The next one will be on June 20th, 9:00 am (New York) / 2:00 pm (London).
> The guest speaker will be Trevas Chuang AKA Decadent Origamist:
> https://www.facebook.com/decadentorigamist
> He has titled his session: "My Origami Journey", which will be about how
> Trevas has integrated origami to his life, his vision, and travels.
> If you wish to register, please send me an email message: gerardo(a)
> neorigami.com
> Do it soon because only less than half the (virtual) seats are available.
> Whether you plan to attend or not, I appreciate it if you share and repost
> the session's poster on your social media platforms and groups, asking
> others to also share and repost it. Thank you in advance and see you at
> the
> session!
> The poster:
> https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/9kOu2d6DMkzZlGe1rzL6P_D0q8pRIYuTtC_4eDQbBGKO0ClrjD0ZtsHvSdqryF0zfyMmSoFLoYHiOXV8dCWpE9URIqaIDB9W9dtdq5WofJNhtUkI7dk6SaX4zM_Of-BjdV8j_CVdYQ=w480
> --
> Gerardo
> gerardo(a)neorigami.com

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