Before the pandemic I used to take my folds to the children's section of a
public library. I gave it to the librarians, so they could hand them over
to the kids. Now, I have two boxes full of colorful folds because I stopped
visiting the library. Making beautiful folds has become a problem, because
I'm not OK with placing them on the recycle bin. As a way to stop making
the problem worse, I started to fold more often with inappropriate paper,
such as photocopies and printed paper. Many of you have seen me do that at
the online gatherings *; )*

Is that only a problem for me or do you also have a problem due to making
too many beautiful folds and the pandemic?

On a related note, I wanted to mention that when I offered them at the
library, I always wrote somewhere on the fold the name of the model and of
its creator, and even his or her country of origin just as an interesting
bit of information. Many of us has criticized the popular belief that all
origami is traditional origami that just pops out of thin air. That type of
belief fosters things like uploading instructional videos without giving
proper credit, and obviously without authorization, among other actions
many creators aren't OK with.

I strongly suggest writing this type of information on a fold before
handing it over! I write small and on a face that isn't extremely visible,
so not to affect its aesthetics, but visible enough to assume that the
receiver will find the information.

Just my two cents *; )*


*Gerardo G.*
*Knowledge and Curiosity in Origami:*
*six private classes online*

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