First of all, my personal good news. For The Origami Bogotá 2021
convention, in Bogotá, the selected special guests are: Alexander Oliveros,
Robert J. Lang, and... *little old me*!

Woo-hoo! You have NO idea how honored I feel *: )*

Read all about it! http://origamibogota.com/#portfolio

Now my tech question, I'm planning on buying a really economical webcam to
teach origami. I know it's best to pay a bit more, but I'm decided on
buying an economical one. I've narrowed my search to two options. One has a
720x480 resolution and the other one a 640x480 resolution. Does that make a
big difference or is it basically the same thing?

Thank you in advance!


*Gerardo G.*
*Knowledge and Curiosity in Origami:*
*six private classes online*

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