I take the name of models very seriously, being the models intellectual
works. Origami models are a feat.

Now, I'm a bit conflicted about the name of a model: *Box with lid 2* (Caja
con tapa 2) by Philip Shen. It's diagrams are in the book *Papiroflexia
Colección* edited by Vicente Palacios. My conflict is regarding the number
in the name, especially considering that "Box with Lid 1" was created by a
totally different origamist and not Philip Shen.

Here is a fold of the model:

I wanted to ask you, have diagrams of that same model been published with a
different name? Should I just accept that it's titled *Box with Lid 2*,
honor its name, and use it? What do you know about the it, and what do you

You can reply directly through the list or, if you prefer, you can do it in
private to my email address: gerardo(a)neorigami.com

Thank you in advance *: )*


*Gerardo G.*
*Knowledge and Curiosity in Origami:*
*six private classes online*

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