On Jun 19, 2021, at 11:40, Ken Fan <ck...@msn.com> wrote:
> Inspiring! It's amazing that she can do it with standard origami paper. I was 
> thinking that oversized paper would be needed for a competition.

Foot folding competitions used to be the rage at origami conventions about 
20-25 years ago. Usually they were done with regular 15cm origami paper. 
Variants also occurred: blindfolded, folding with a partner, etc.

Yamaguchi-san once tried to get me to participate in Tokyo, and I begged off by 
saying I wanted to protect everyone from the smell of my feet.

Joseph Wu, Origami Artist (via iPhone)


Okay, what about a competition where people have to fold an origami crane using 
only things from the neck up, which, I suppose in practice, would mean mainly 
the mouth and some assist from a nose?

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