On Saturday, I ask about the rabbit model that seemed to have been created
by both Kunihiko Kasahara and Stephen O'Hanlon. Chila Caldera, K H Nelson,
and Claire Landre helped with information. Thank you very much!

I also exchanged emails with Doc. O'Hanlon. There was a contact button on
his website. This is what I conclude from everything I know up to now:

*Toshio Chino*, created *Rabbit* from a bird base. You can find the
diagrams on the NOA booklet for the instructor certificate:

*Kunihiko Kasahara*, knew the model and made a VARIATION, also named
*Rabbit*, from more or less the pig base. Aside from the different bases,
they share basically the same folding process. He states his model is based
on Mr. Chino's in his book *Origami Made Easy*: https://amzn.com/0870402536

*Stephen O'Hanlon*, basically created the same model as Mr. Kasahara. Their
only difference is that he valley-folds a tip while Mr. Kasahara sinks it,
but in both cases that tip ends up hidden after you fold the model in half.
In his email Doc. O'Hanlon told me he might have learned the model as a
child and, many years later, subconsciously remembered the process,
thinking he was creating the model.

That's what I know for now, and that's enough for me. From now on, I'll
state that the attached *Rabbit* is a variation of a model of the same name
by Toshio Chino, and to be exact, it was Kunihiko Kasahara who made that

Cheers *; )*


*Gerardo G.*
*Knowledge and Curiosity in Origami:*
*six private classes online*

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