Greetings Folders!


I think it would be extremely helpful and important to define the term
"Traditional" in a way that is accepted worldwide.  A personal note is that
the term traditional is a term I still do not have a clear understanding of
its meaning and I am an active member of the OUSA community and have been
since 2006.  The Yoshizawa-Randlett system diagraming system is worldwide
and terminology should be too.  I was told it is not a legal term, but
people seem to be using it for legal reasons.


I believe there should be something to clearly state that traditional models
are in the creative commons if this is the case.  This is my personal
understanding.  The starting point would be a post to multiple origami
platforms to get general input.  Then, have origami societies worldwide come
to an agreement and share a clear document with an in-depth description with
examples included that the community would support.  Thoughts?


Please send feedback to the form at https://
<>, if you do
not want to send feedback to this list.


Warm Folds,

Lisa B. Corfman

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