I've never been close to either one (OSME <http://osme.info/7osme/> and Folding
Didactics <http://foldingdidactics.com/>), but they make me very curious.
In what aspects do they overlap, and in which other ones don't they? I have
read about both of them on the web, but I still don't entirely get what
they're about. I hope some of you can tell me more about each one and their

Aside from that, the Folding Didactics homepage mentions "(...) different
folding didactic groups around the world". Which ones are there? I believe
I don't know any.

If it makes you feel more comfortable, you can reply directly to my email
address, instead of replying through the mailing list. In that case,please
write to gerardo(a)neorigami.com

As always, thank you in advance!


*Gerardo G.*
*Knowledge and Curiosity in Origami:*
*six private classes online*

"(...) It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, it takes your breath away
and fills you with the true joy of *origami*. I experienced this in my
lessons with Gerardo G. I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Gerardo is (...)" *C.
R.* *Read the full review*

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