Origami Deutschland is organizing a free online event for this Saturday.

A few of the workshops will be in English, most of them will be in German,
but it's origami, so I'm sure we can follow along even if we don't
understand the language 😉.

Time and date: Saturday, October 9, 9:15 - 16:30 (Berlin) / 3:15 - 10: 30
am (New York).

Program: It'll be sent to the registrants on Friday.

Registration deadline: Tomorrow, Thursday, October 7, 22:00 (Berlin) /
16:00 (New York).

Register here: https://www.papierfalten.de/anmeldung_origami-online.html

The form is in German, but let me help those who don't speak the language
with a few words and phrases (thank you, Google Translate 😛):

Name = Family name

Vorname = Given name

OD-Mitglied = Are you an Origami Deutschland member?

Ich melde mich zum Online Origamitag am 9. Oktober 2021 an. = I'm
registering for Online Origami Day in October 9, 2021.

Benötigst du vorab technische Hilfe zur Teilnahme via Zoom? = Do you need
technical help in advance to participate via Zoom?

Würdest du als Co-Host (Co-Moderator) mitarbeiten? = Would you work as a
co-host (co-moderator)?

I'll be one of the very last instructors to teach; this time I'll be
teaching especially for beginners. My workshop is titled: *Three Origami
Ways to Divide into Thirds and "2 x 2 Envelope".*

I hope to see you Saturday!


*Gerardo G.*
*Knowledge and Curiosity in Origami:*
*six private classes online*

"(...) It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, it takes your breath away
and fills you with the true joy of *origami*. I experienced this in my
lessons with Gerardo G. I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Gerardo is (...)" *C.
R.* *Read the full review*

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