> On Apr 15, 2023, at 9:48 AM, David Mitchell via Origami 
> <origami@lists.digitalorigami.com> wrote:
> Laura R <lauraroz...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I?ll be happy to help editing that Wiki entry. I contribute that way with 
>> Wiki from time to time fixing what my scatologic husband calls Wiki text 
>> poop. As I?m not a modular expert and my English is not perfect, I will need 
>> the text to replace that part. You can communicate with me as usual.
> Yes, indeed. However, I think there must be lots of people on this list who 
> regularly fold or create modular origami designs ... and perhaps it would be 
> good to have everyone's input into what such a page should say?
> I'm willing to start and maintain the discussion ... and eventually produce a 
> draft. If you are putting it on Wikipedia I guess you have the final 
> editorial say as to what you upload. (Then lots of people who are less expert 
> than all of us can edit it to bits. But that's how Wikipedia works …)

I can try. I only made minor changes and up to less-than-full entries on 
Wikipedia but I`ve never been kicked out (perhaps I was lucky). We can try with 
a full text. For what I’m seeing in your draft, any serious editor would be 
more inclined to be impressed rather than wanting to delete things. Common 
sense still abounds (I’m an optimist ;) ) 

> With that in mind I'm going to rename this part of the discussion as 'Modular 
> origami article for Wikipedia'
> Dave

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