Might one of you have the book I mention in the subject of this email? Would one of you please email me its table of contents? I'd really appreciate it. My email address is gerardo(a)neorigami.com
Thank you in advance! -- *Gerardo G.* gerardo(a)neorigami.com <http://www.neorigami.com> [image: Image] instagram.com/NeorigamiCom *Knowledge and Curiosity in Origami:* *six private** classe**s online* <https://www.neorigami.com/classes> "(...) It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, it takes your breath away and fills you with the true joy of *origami*. I experienced this in my lessons with Gerardo G. I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Gerardo is (...)" *C. R.* *Read the full review* <https://www.neorigami.com/classes#h.q2mt4npahmc2>