Using Orion 0.7.9, I have got further attempting to deploy the News demo.  However, I 
want to use Oracle and 
have taken these steps:

create a jdbc/DefaultDS pointing to an Oracle database which the account has DBA 
privileges on.
uncommented jdbc/xa/DefaultXADS to point to the above
uncommented the web-app and ejb stuff

The EJB then attempts auto-deployment but the CREATE TABLE fails as it wants to use a 
column called "date" to 
match the bean attribute.  In Oracle, "date" is a reserved word.  

I see that a orion-ejb-jar gets autocreated (if the orion folder is missing). [Wow! 
cool deployment mechanism].  
This .xml seems to have everything I want; I can modify the table name, modify the 
column names, datatypes, 
etc.  But I cannot seem to get the .xml to be recognised/re-read.  Am I missing 
something here?

In an attempt to get past the "date" issue, I recompiled NewsItemEJB modifying the 
bean object from "date" to 
"dt".  Next error is an incompatible date-type for Oracle (TIMESTAMP).  So I really 
need to have control over the 



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