    I'm trying to make the Java Pet Store Demo work under Orion... well,
1) there are problems with custom tags: suprisingly enough when my doStartTag() return EVAL_BODY_TAG the body doesn't gets evaluated at all, but if it returns SKIP_BODY it works!!! (I modifiyed  a little tag handlers).
I modifyed tag handlers so that don't use doStartTag() and now it works.
2) when I try to add an item to the shopping cart RemoteException (Recursive call to a non reentrant bean) is thrown in handleCartEvent method of StateMachine.java :
       case CartEvent.ADD_ITEM:
                Collection itemIds = ce.getItemIds();
                Iterator it = itemIds.iterator();
                while (it.hasNext())
                    cart.addItem((String)it.next());      // exception is thrown
Question, why the exception is thrown? Does a call from helper class (StateMachine) to TheSCC (SessionBean) is not legal loopback? If so why it works in J2EE RI?
Thanks, Egor

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