Hi Karl,

Great Stuff.

Now that Orion is RC1 and the JavaPetStore is FCS, could you publish
instructions on how to deploy the JPS estore.ear on Orion pls?

We have an app developed with the J2EE RI that is based on the JPS and I
want to use Orion as our deployment server of choice, but my attempts to
get the JPS deployed have Orion failed.

Kind Regards

Neville Burnell
Business Manager Software

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Karl Avedal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, 2 May 2000 10:11 PM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: Orion 1.0 RC 1 released
> We are proud to announce the availablibilty of the first Orion 1.0
> Release Candidate. As usual it contains many bug fixes and also many
> enhancements. A few productivity related improvements worth mentioning
> are:
> Auto-compilation of web-components. Now all web-code will be
> automatically compiled if development mode is set to true.
> (http://www.orionserver.com/docs/orion-web.xml.html) shows 
> the location
> of the development attribute).
> For example, this means that you can make a servlet, 
> MyServlet.java, put
> it in the right dir, and the server will automatically pick it up and
> compile it. This goes for tag extension libraries, etc. as well.
> Auto-generation of common custom finders (for CMP beans). If you have
> finders called findAll() or findByX() (where X can be anything), the
> finders will be automatically generated for finding all enties
> (findAll()) or find the entities matching a specific field-value
> (findByX()).
> As some of you might have noticed, Orion now also provide 
> full JSP line
> information in stack traces and compilation errors. You are not only
> given the line number for the generted class, but for the actual JSP
> file.
> The Orion team

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