I'm creating a complete web app and I know how to access from my code to
<env-entry>, <ejb-ref> and <resource-ref> but I want to know how to access
to a:

<init-param> and <context-param> an the differnces in code between them.

I haven't found any reference in J2EE spec nor Servlets esp.

Is there any difference between accessing from a servlets or JSP,  or
accessing from an EJB

I would appreciate your help. Thanks.

        David Sierra Fern ndez
        Ingeniero Tecnico de Telecomunicaci¢n
        AULA RETECAL (CEDETEL)   Universidad de Valladolid
        Campus Miguel Delibes   E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        47011 Valladolid (SPAIN)

 -- Sierr@ --

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