I've come across a bit of a problem when using <jsp:setProperty ...> on a JavaBean using Orion.
I have a HTML form with 3 input fields thats named: action, amount and productId. The form calls
a .jsp page like : <FORM action="processing/processCart.jsp" method="POST" ...>
and this JSP page uses the <jsp:useBean id="cartBean" class... >
<jsp:setProperty name="cartBean property="*"/> and so on..
At first it seemed to work because every set method was called on the JavaBean, but then it
suddently stopped to work. Strange I though, and started going through the whole process checking
that every was as it should be. But I just can't get it to work now.. Its the amont set method thats NOT being
called anymore.. I tried with different parameters instead of String like: public void setAmount(Long _amount)
but nothing happens.. It doesn't call it. So I changed the name in the <INPUT> field to nr and declared a method like: public void setNr(String _nr) and this gets called OK...
Has any1 ever experienced something like this???
Lars Borup Jensen
Software Developer
Bådehavnsvej 15
9000 Aalborg
+45 98 16 46 63

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