Well, here's an example of a parent-child 1->N relationship:

A has a Set member field of type B

The class outlines are:

public interface A extends EJBObject
  public Set getB() throws RemoteException;

public interface B extends EJBObject

public class AEJB implements EntityBean
  public static final Class b_types = B.class; //required by Orion I think
  public Set b;

  public Set getB()
    return b;

public class BEJB implements EntityBean

That models the relationship using entity beans and CMP

Next you'll need to specify all this in the ejb-jar.xml, here are the
relevant sections:

      <!-- all attributes for bean A -->
        <description>A set of B</description>
    <!-- rest of ejb-jar file, with attributes for entity B -->

When you deploy this, Orion will automatically create all the appropriate
entries in orion-ejb-jar.xml, including datasource, database field
and table names, and so on. You can then tweak it further to fit your
needs. I hope you find this helpful...


 On Mon, 13 Nov 2000, Juan Gargiulo wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm having problems configuring orion to create the tables for entity EJBs
> with references to other entity EJBs (using CMP). Can somebody, please,
> enumerate the steps for doing this.
> Thanks in advance,
> Juan Gargiulo

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