Type "java -jar orion.jar -?" for options on error streams and logging

-----Original Message-----
From: Seung Bang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, 15 December 2000 10:35
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Standard Err stream

Where does 'System.err.println(....)' print?
For debugging purpose, I put some System.out.println() statements.
Of course, it prints messages on the console window where I started
However, if I run the orion server in the background and close the
console window,
there is no way of viewing the debug messages.
Instead, I used System.err stream and I noticed it did not log any
message in any
log files. If any of you have experience with other servers such as
Caucho's resin
server, you may have noticed that it logs everything out of standard
error stream
in a specific log file. I believe orion has something equivalent to
Or at least something very close to that. Please help. Thanks a million.

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