
Look at http://www.orionsupport.com

There is a tutorial explaining how to use JB4 with Orion.

Guilherme Ceschiatti

On Friday 29 December 2000 00:16, you wrote:
> Hello all,
> Looked through the list threads and there seems to be no clear indication
> whether anyone has been able to add Orion as one of the Application Servers
> available within JBuilder.  I read the parts for debugging EJBs with Orion
> within JBuilder, and that seems to be working well, though I'm still new at
> this and have yet to push anything.
> What I'm interested in is easing our EJB deployments to Orion, and wanted
> to know if there was an 'easy' way to simply deploy the EJBs to Orion and
> have it take care of everything for us, just like JBuilder does for the
> Inprise and WebLogic App Servers.
> I use JBuilder 4 Enterprise, and was hoping the money we spent on it was
> not in vain.
> Any SXS anyone may have would be greatly helpful.
> It would also be very cool if the folks at Orion (Evermind?) would write a
> 'PlugIn' for JBuilder 4E so Orion will plug into it out of the box.
> Thanks in advance for any info.
> Robert
> Robert S. Sfeir
> Director of Software Development
> PERCEPTICON corporation
> San Francisco, CA 94123
> w - http://www.percepticon.com/
> t - (415) 749-2900 x205

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