
Try putting Classpath.class in /usr/local/orion/lib/classpath.

If your classes change on a regular basis, you might want to put them in
WEB-INF/classes as Orion will automatically reload them after they've

Also (this is a matter of personal preference) you might want to think about
renaming the class to something that isn't so close to a reserved word.  I
personally shy away from giving classes a name that resembles a commonly
used word, as it may cause confusion down the road...


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Neal Kaiser
> Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2001 8:40 AM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: Classpath.class and load-on-startup, Can't start Orion
> All of a sudden I get this error in my global-application.log:
> /4/01 12:19 PM defaultWebApp: Error preloading servlet
> javax.servlet.ServletException: Error instantiating servlet 'classpath'
> (servlet class not found, make sure it exists at
> /usr/local/orion/default-web-app/WEB-INF/classes/classpath/Classpa
> th.class,
> in a jar in /usr/local/orion/default-web-app/WEB-INF/lib/, in an
> orion-web.xml specified classpath or global server classpath)
>         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.wi(JAX)
>         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.wt(JAX)
>         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.v3(JAX)
>         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.<init>(JAX)
>         at com.evermind.server.Application.uq(JAX)
>         at com.evermind.server.http.en.uq(JAX)
>         at
>         at
>         at com.evermind.server.http.en.u1(JAX)
>         at
>         at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer.aqb(JAX)
>         at
>         at
>         at
>         at
> I have the following in global-web-application.xml
>                       <servlet>
>                         <servlet-name>classpath</servlet-name>
>                         <servlet-class>classpath.Classpath</servlet-class>
>                         <init-param>
> <param-name>defaultContentType</param-name>
>                                 <param-value>text/html</param-value>
>                         </init-param>
>                 <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup>
>                 </servlet>
> And the Classpath.class is in /usr/local/orion/lib
> I think it has to do with the load-on-startup not working? I had a similar
> problem with a webapp
> I installed which had <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup> but it wasn't
> loading it. I changed the 1 to a
> 2 (just guessing that Orion might load it that way) and it
> actually worked.
> But now all of a sudden I get this error. I even tried removing
> that webapp
> with the load-on-startup.  Same problem.  What are the valid values for
> load-on-startup? 0 or 1?
> My only other hunch is that the problem could be related to a classpath
> issue. I had to change the classpath a bit for other programs. But I tried
> all variations and could not get it to work.
> Thanks, Neal

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