ejbVoyager, available at http://sourceforge.net/projects/ejbvoyager/,  is an
open-source, GNU Public License, java/swing client application,
for generic unit testing of entity and session enterprise java beans,
rapid, OO-style input of application test data, and general exploration
of JNDI Contexts and their contents. It has been tested with WebLogic5.1
and 6, and Orion 1.3, but should run with any EJB1.1 and 2.0 container
if you have the necessary client classes (eg the context factory class)
in your classpath. All other classes are located and loaded via JNDI contexts
(including any non-ejb support classes like state or view classes.)
Last Update: 01/06/01 added ClassLoaderFrame for introspection of aribtrary
        Classes and instances.

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