On Sun, 18 Feb 2001, Jay Abraham wrote:

> A few months ago there was a spirited discussion about
> the possible demise of the applet wrt to J2EE
> application development.  I'm unable to find this
> thread in the archives.  Does anyone have any link to
> it?

I don't, not offhand, but I can see the logic. However, there's no need
for J2EE, if applets are dying; they're a neato gadget whose time has
largely come and gone, IMHO. Great for *very* vertical applications, lousy
for everything else. (And yes, online games are "vertical apps," because
the users are generally willing to do what's necessary to get them to

> Also, is there anyone who is currently using, or has
> previously successfully used, applets in a production
> orion application?  I would appreciate knowing your
> experiences.

I've used them; the #java faq (http://epesh.com/java) has references to at
least one applet in it; orion has no bearing on applets in the general
case. The exception, of course, is the applet that uses JNDI to locate
things: don't do this. An applet like that is wayyy too heavy.

Joseph B. Ottinger                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://epesh.com/                             IT Consultant

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