Someone desperately needs to replace the list software currently hosting
the Orion-Interest mailing list.  This is really getting out of hand.
It's bad enough that everyone who posts gets messages like this from but now they're echoing to the list as well.

If the only reason this hasn't been done is lack of suggestions, I've
found use (no idea about administration) of Mailman lists to be

Somebody also needs to fix the Orion website so that when you click
"unsubscribe", it gives a response page to that effect rather than the
current erroneous "Thank you for subscribing" message.  This is probably
what generates most of the "how do I unsubscribe?" messages to the list.


>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2001 11:31 AM
>To: Orion-Interest
>Subject: Re:Why is Hypersonic SQL still being integrated
>Sir or Madame-
>I am no longer available to receive email at this address.
>Please forward all email requests and/or information to 
>Thank you.
>James M. Morgenstein
>VP Technology
>Digital Demographics, Inc.
>Home of Recommend-It (r)
>(voice) 732-296-8885
>  (fax) 732-296-8817
>Recommend-It (r): The Internet's hottest website traffic 
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