You might try putting a jsp page called default.jsp in the root of you web
application.  Just put the following lines in the default.jsp.

<jsp:forward page="start"/>

-----Original Message-----
From: Ismael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 9:26 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: How to specify a servlet as a main page

Hi all,

Until now I have been using a boot.jsp page as the main entry point to my 
application. But now I have changed it to a servlet.

On the web.xml I have made a servlet mapping,


the if I write http://localhost/context/start it goes to this servlet.

I would like that whenever the user writes http://localhost/context it is 
redirected to the boot servlet.

I have tried it by putting a servlet mapping only with /  but it does not

I have tried also with the welcome-file-list

and it does not work.

How should I do it?


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