i remember there being a bug in the JMS implementation, that it only works
with one topic at the moment,  here it is -

If we create multiple JMS topics only the last created topic will be served
message-driven beans who subscribed to that "last created topic". In other
words, there is nothing to serve previously created topics and beans who
subscribed to these topics never get to be notified.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bruno Baloi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 4:12 AM
Subject: MessageDriven Beans !

> Hi all,
> This is a freaky thing that I have been experiencing.
> Here's the scenario:
> I have two sets of topics: a server topic and a client topic.
> The server topic is hooked to a Message Driven Bean. There is some logic
> involved that places a message on the "server" topic.In turn the Message
> Driven Bean is awaken and it odes some procesisng in its turn.
> Subsequently,
> when the processing is done, I publish a message onto a separate topic
> for a client.
> Everything works fine up to the point where the Message Driven Bean
> publishes on to the "Client " topic. Everything looks peechy, however,
> the client subscriber to the client topic never gets the message.
> If I try an external client that publishes a message onto the client
> topic, the subscriber gets it.
> SO my dillemma, and what's been driving me nuts for the last few days,
> is that, the bloody Message Driven Bean does something to the topic, and
> freezes it up. I can't think of any reason why it should , but it does.
> Has anyone out there experienced such problems with the message driven
> beans ???
> If so could you please lend a helping hand to someone who is slowly
> going looney  !!!!
> Any input is much apreciated !
> Thanks !!!
> Bruno

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