Since there have been quite a few comments about support (or the lack of it) on this mailing list, I’d like to add my own 5c:


  • At least 95% of the time I have a problem it is a typo or some issues I didn’t understand correctly – from the messages I see on this mailing list, I suspect it is the same for most other participants
  • Although we always wish for more, browsing through orionserver/orionsupport/jollem yields quite a bit of info – but of course it takes more time to search oneself than trying to get someone who knows on the phone or by email …
  • Support costs money – I suggest that Orion or Ironflare or whatever the name of the company hires (a) support person(s) and offers a paid service; maybe they need to find out first how many developers/companies are interested and how much they are willing to dish out for it (there could be more than one level of support)


I am grateful that Orion is free for development and is packed with features, but realize that when deployment time comes along, I may want to rely on an official support service.


Peter Saurugger


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