I haven't looked at the petstore demo, but from the error I would say that the class:
does not implement serializable, and when Orion tries to serialise it (to marshall for 
RMI, or save to DB), then it throws an error.

If you have access to the source code, see if that class implements serializable (and 
that all of the classes that it contains do as well).

Hope it helps,


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/11/01 06:20am >>>

I am working on the latest version of PetStore (1.1.1) and on Oracle.
I am deploying these on
I am able to deploy the application and am able to see the screens.

However, I am not able to authenticate myself.
When I signIn with the default user, I get an error with the message:

"You could not be authenticated with the information provided.
Please check your Username and Password.

Return to Sign in Page"

When I choose New User and I create a totally new user that I never
tried before,
the record goes thru. However, I see an error logged as;
Error deserializing EJB-session
java.io.WriteAbortedException: Writing aborted by exception;

Technically I am signed-on. However, (wonder if it is related, ) when I
enter the store, add to cart and go to checkout, it asks me to sign-in
again. The scenario repeats!

When I get a new user regn screen,  the MyAccount is always enabled.
When I click on it, I get the J2ee account preferences to modify! This
means I am authenticated!

The Orion Console has an error that may be significant:
Error deserializing EJB-session
java.io.WriteAbortedException: Writing aborted by exception;

Would someone be kind enough to tell me:
1. Changes in the XML files for OrionSecurityAdapter
2. What else do I need in my principals.xml file? I am assuming it only
checks for the principals in my application directory and not config. If
not please enlighten me.
I introduced this in the <users> tag:
           <user username="j2ee" password="j2ee" />
3. I used estore-orionadapter.jar as a library in my

Once again, I am running PetStore on Orion and Oracle on NT platform.

Thanks. With Regards,


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