I agree with you that if you know the answer please respond. No question is
too dumb.

Sometimes I ask question about how to solve a certain thing for instance
using a tag-lib and throwing exceptions. This is not an Orion question but
an Interest question.

Unless this is if (Orion && Interest) I guess I've used it wrong. However
this should not be a list where we discuss what kind of list this is and
where we tell people off because it's monday and I've spent a few minutes
reading a posting which was not relevant to me.

Can we please keep it a Q/A list?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Kemp Randy-W18971" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2001 4:59 PM
Subject: What is a relavent question?

> This question did occur to me, and Socrates would have a field day with
> Since this list has everyone from visitors, EJB beginners, EJB server
> builders, and anyone in between, what is a relavent question?  More
> importantly, what is a relavent answer?  To me, any question related to
> Orion or EJB is relavent.  Now there are various positions on giving
> answers.  Some may say to read the EJB specs Sun put out for answers.
> Others will say to read the books on EJB.  Some would say to use the
> engines. Still others, like myself, will give answers if we know it.  Why
> we do this?  To add more EJB folks to the fold, and because we enjoy doing
> it.  Now I can get off on a tangent sometimes, and there are times that is
> good, like trying to present some ideas to help Orion become more popular.
> And yes, I also like open source, if it is good or has potential.  I run
> Apache in production, but I also run Oracle. To zip or not to zip, that is
> the question?  And many kind folks answered that question.  And I, in turn
> may someday answer that question.
> So what is an irrelavent question?
>   In all the 190 Stooge shorts, how many contained pie fights? Five
>   How does the Dali Lama start his day? He meditates for two hours before
> listening to the BBC.
>   Why were people called Mat Hatters in Alice In Wonderland?  Because they
> made hats using mercury and the fumes drived them made.
>   Who are my EJB heroes?  The folks at Orion, Jboss, and Enhydra, because
> they are making affordable EJB servers to make this technology available
> everyone.
>   Why does Einstein not know his phone number?  Because he thought it was
> irrelavent information and could look it up in the phone book.

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