I'm attempting to use Castor as my persistence layer
inside Orion. In order for Castor to work properly,
it needs to be informed of the transaction boundaries.
The way it does this is by implementing the
javax.transaction.Synchronization and registering
with the transactons when they started. It does this
with code similar to the following:

InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
javax.transaction.TransactionManager tm =
javax.transaction.Transaction tx = tm.getTransaction();
tx.registerSynchronization(<castor Synchronization impl>);

This code appears to be working as I've added some debug code
to Castor to make sure the call to registerSynchronization() is
returning. However, Orion is never calling any of the
Synchronization methods, so Castor is never persiting any
of the data. My question is:

1. Is this a bug in Orion?
2. Is there an Orion configuration parameter that I have to
   set to tell it to call back the registerred Synchronization
3. Is this the proper way to register with Orion to be notified
   of transaction bounndaries? I know there is the
   javax.ejb.SessionSynchronization interface for Session
   beans to be notified of Transaction boundaries, however
   there is no way right now for me to do this inside Castor.

A few more notes on my implementation:
- I am using Stateless Session Beans
- Each method of the bean is setup to use Container managed
  transactions with a TX_REQUIRED attribute. I know that I Orion
  is creating the transaction, because the registerSynchronization
  code above is working.

Any help would be appreciated for as of now, I do not know how to
use Castor with Orion.

Rick Yoder

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