I've had to provide charting ability via servlets. The problem I keep
bumping into is that image generation runs in the Event Handler thread, of
which there can be only one per VM.

I never figured out a way around that bottleneck, and would be thrilled to
get some ideas for a solution.

Right now, we're using Sitraka (formerly KLGroup) JCharts in servlets. Of
all the choices I've seen (excluding some listed in this thread that I
haven't evaluated) Sitraka seemed to be the best option, especially
considering that something like $7k gets you the source code too.


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kemp
> Randy-W18971
> Sent: Wednesday, 25 April, 2001 10:27
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: RE: Charting/Graphing libraries
> I am working with a free package now at www.ve.com/kavachart.
> They come with
> either a servlet or applet version, and there is a developers
> kit at a cheap
> price.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Van Dooren, Damian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 7:46 AM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: Charting/Graphing libraries
> Does anyone have any suggestions for a good charting/graphing
> library to use
> within a servlet to generate jpgs or gifs preferably from XML data.
> Thanks.
> -----
> Damian Van Dooren
> Information Technology
> The Investment Centre

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