We call log4j from JSP and from EJB.
We use a servlet to startup log4j: a servlet parameter passes the
configuration file name.

Here is the code:

public class InitLog4J extends HttpServlet {
    private static final String PARAM_NAME_CONFIG_FILE =

    public void init(ServletConfig sconf) throws ServletException {
        //retrieve configuration file name
        String cfg_file = sconf.getInitParameter(PARAM_NAME_CONFIG_FILE);
        //check init parameter exists, else return
        if (cfg_file == null) {
            System.err.println("missing configuration parameter in web.xml:
                               + PARAM_NAME_CONFIG_FILE);
            System.err.println("Log4J will not be initialized.");
        //configure log4j

Add this to your web.xml
                <display-name>Initialization Log4J</display-name>

In our case, logging.cfg is a PropertyConfigurator file.

Have fun,

Yves Bossel

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