
The database driver for MSSQL from freetds.org is, according to the 
documention, work in progress more or less.
I had been looking for a cheap/free driver for MSSQL. When I found it, I 
thought my search was over. But I wrong, since I just couldn't use it. I 
kept getting SQLExceptions (which were to be expected according to the 
documentation because most things are not implemented yet). Finally, I had 
to stop using it.
Currently, I use two drivers and they both work flawlessly for my apps:
one from http://www.inetsoftware.de and the other from 
http://www.j-netdirect.com. Though they cost money.



>From: "Johan Fredriksson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: freetds.org
>Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 17:36:15 +0200
>Has anyone got their driver to work with ms sql server 7?
>I just get an error message all the time :
>java.sql.SQLException: The database driver 
>fe9f) returned refusing to connect to the URL 
>         at com.evermind.sql.DriverManagerDataSource.getConnection(Unknown 
>Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
>I'll include my datasource.xml also...:
>  <data-source
>   class="com.evermind.sql.DriverManagerDataSource"
>   name="MyDataSource"
>   location="jdbc/BB"
>   xa-location="jdbc/xa/BBXADS"
>   ejb-location="jdbc/MyDataSource"
>   connection-driver="com.internetcds.jdbc.tds.Driver"
>   pooled-location="jdbc/MyPooledDS"
>   username="my"
>   password="password"
>   url="jdbc:freetds:sqlserver://"
>   max-connect-attempts="3"
>   max-connections="1"
>   connection-retry-interval="1"
>   inactivity-timeout="30"
>  />
>thanks in advance.

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