Hi there,

I am still using 1.4.7 as I have problems updating to 1.5.0.
I noticed the following:
I added the attribute "exclusive-write-access"  to my orion-ejb-jar.xml (see
below) and it doesn't appear in the deployed orion-ejb-jar.xml ???

The line in the orion-ejb-jar.xml in my application:
  <entity-deployment name="nl.unwired.sgs.vwr.Usr"
location="nl.unwired.sgs.vwr.Usr" wrapper="UsrHome_EntityHomeWrapper13"
table="vwrusr" data-source="jdbc/postgresEJBDS"
exclusive-write-access="true" max-instances="10" >

In the generated orion-ejb-jar.xml file:
  <entity-deployment name="nl.unwired.sgs.vwr.Usr"
location="nl.unwired.sgs.vwr.Usr" wrapper="UsrHome_EntityHomeWrapper13"
table="vwrusr" data-source="jdbc/postgresEJBDS">

- I also noticed that I doesn't copy the "max-instances=10" line for every
entity bean (for most of them it does). Hoever the exclusiv-write line is
never copied.

I think this worked in the past... but have no idea what happened/changed.
Anyone any idea what the logic is behind ths generation ???

PS: The above it quite irritating as I was used to copy the deployed
orion-ejb.jar.xml back to my application dir to add customized finders as
described on the orionsupport.com site.

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