
  Are you by chance using IE?  If you are, go to the advanced properties
and disable the beautified error page display, this will give you the
actual jsp error information from things like 500 Server Errors.  If you're
using nutscrape and not getting meaningful error messages, then something
is radically wrong.

- peace - scot weber / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[ this space reserved for something really clever ]

Henrik Skafsgaard Larsen wrote:

> Hello
> I have this servlet, which actually doesn't do much except write html,
> so for testing purpose I decided to change it to JSP.
> I want to use some methods defined in our homegrown packages
> and imported the package with: <%@ page import="com.mypacke.util.*" %>
> I then wrote the following:
> .
> .
> <%
> Cleo c = new Cleo();
> out.println("Howdy from Cleo: " + c.getDate());
> %>
> .
> .
> the result was, that my page could not be displayed.
> Removing the reference: c.getDate() helped
> but I cannot find any hints ind the logfiles as to WHY it doesn't work.
> med venlig hilsen / best regards
> Henrik Skafsgaard Larsen

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