Current OrionServer 1.5.2 is EJB2.0PFD1 compliant, not EJB2.0PFD2.  Not
speaking for the developers, but merely surmising, I would suspect that
it will remain PFD1 until the spec is in final.  No sense chasing a
rabit down the hole! =)

- scot

Alex Paransky wrote:
> I read some time ago that Orion does not support bi-directional N-to-N
> relationships.  Recently (1.5.2) I created such a relationship and initially
> Orion created TWO relationship tables.  Afterwards, I removed one of the
> tables, and updated orion-ejb-jar.xml to use the same table for both sides
> of the relationship.
> Question:  Is this type of usage supported in Orion 1.5.2?  Am I asking for
> trouble?  Is anyone aware of any problems with using orion-ejb-jar.xml to
> "manipulate" the deployment descriptor in such a way?
> Thanks.
> -AP_


  scot weber - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Given a choice between a folly and a sacrament, one should
  always choose the folly -- because we know a sacrament
  will not bring us closer to God and there's always a chance
  that a folly will. - Erasmus

  The only man who never makes a mistake is the man who
  never does anything. - Theodore Roosevelt.

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