Hi all,

Ok, I have been using JNT to run Orion as a service. As per another thread,
there are ways to fine-tune Orion, such as the -server option. JNT however
won't work with the -server option, therefore it appears I can only use the
"default" jvm, which is the hotspot one. Here is something I tried and I am
not sure if it is infact working. I went into regedit (Oh..Win2K by the
way). Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime
Environment\1.3.1, there is a few keys. RuntimeLib has a value of
"c:\program files\javasoft\jre\1.3.1\hotspot\jvm.dll". If you go to the
command line and type in java, I believe it uses THIS version of the jvm.
When I try the -server option, it says it can't find it, and sure enough,
with a normal install of the JRE (not JDK), there is NO /server or /classic
folders (and thus JVMs) installed. If you install the JDK 1.3.1, there is a
JDK/jre/bin/classic, /server, and /hotspot. What I did is I just copied the
/bin and /lib dirs out of the JDK/JRE folder, into the Program
Files/JavaSoft/JRE/1.3.1 folder, over the top of the /bin and /lib dirs
there. Then, I edited the reg key to point to "c:\program
files\javasoft\jre\1.3.1\server\jvm.dll". When I run java, it seems to work
fine. I don't know if there is a way to find out if it is running the
server, classic or hotspot engine, other than perhaps testing OR deleting
the classic and hotspot folders and seeing if it still runs.

Anyways... While I may have solved the problem to use the -server switch
(again..no idea for sure), what I want to know if there is a BETTER service
runner than JNT. JNT seems to handler the log-off problem alot of other (and
perhaps older) service runners crashed on. But, when I STOP the JNT
installed Orion service, it never ends. I don't know why. If I use the java
-jar admin.jar ormi:/...etc, it does shut down Orion, and I just verified it
works remotely as well. But then the problem is..I can't seem to restart it
remotely. Actually..I can restart it, but I cant stop it, then start it.

So, is there a better service runner for Orion? Or is JNT the best one to
use, and just use remote shutdown and restart? Also, is there any way to
start Orion remotely?


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