
If you want to synchronize access to your static variable, you need to
synchronize with respect to the class, not the application.  Something like
this should work:

synchronized (this.getClass()) {
  // Your code....

----- Original Message -----
From: Ismael
To: Orion-Interest
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 1:38 PM
Subject: Very Strange problem with a static varible on a jsp

I am making some loading tests, in order to test the loading tool I have
written some special jsp to deal verify the number of times a jsp has been
My jsp is :

<%@page contentType="text/html"%>
<head><title>JSP Page</title></head>
static int client=0;
static String attribute_name="client";
static Object lock=new Object();
<%-- This JSP will be used with 4 other jsp to test the correctness of the
stress tool
synchronized (application) {
session.setAttribute(attribute_name,new Integer(++client));
System.out.println("Entering client "+client);


It is very simple but the ouput I get is
Entering client  1
Entering client  2
Entering client  3
Entering client  4
Entering client  1
Entering client  1
Entering client  1
Entering client  1
Entering client  1
Entering client  5
Entering client  2
Entering client  3
Entering client  4
Entering client  5
Entering client  6
Entering client  7
Entering client  8
Entering client  9
Entering client  10
Entering client  11
Entering client  12
Entering client  13
Entering client  14
Entering client  15
Entering client  16
That is, my static variable it is being ignored. I am using Orion 1.4.5 ,
Windows 2000 and J2SE 1.3.0_02.

Anybody know why this could be happening ?


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