We're QA'ng our web application on IE 5 for the MacIntosh.  And it takes forever to load even the simplest of JSP files.  This seems to not be a strictly MacIntosh problem, as the exact same page loads quickly on Netscape for MacIntosh.  Also, all other sites seem to load fine on IE 5--MacIntosh.  And this seems to not be a rendering issue, as when we load the resulting page statically from the harddrive it is near instantaneous.  So my only guess is that it has something to do with the HTTP headers that are being sent by the browser, maybe Orion doesn't recognize them?  Also, when we go to orionserver.com on the same browser, we continously get an error trace (something about too many file handles open), while there is never a problem on IE Windows.  Has anyone seen this sort of problem before?
Also, could someone respond with an URL for their site that is running Orion so we can determine if it's something in our site or not.

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