First off, is anyone using Orion with Epicentric Foundation Server 3.5? If so,
what version of Orion are you succesfully using it with?

It seems that alot of the 'stock modules' (jsp files) and other jsp's that
ship with EFS 3.5 aren't using bodyless tags, ie:

        <jsp:useBean foo=bar></jsp:useBean>

and that Orion (?) is complaining about this:

        jsp:useBean without a set 'class' or 'beanName' attribute cannot have a
        body, use a bodyless tag (<jsp:useBean ... />)

Orion wants you to use a bodyless tag:

        <jsp:useBean foo=bar />

Question is, is there a 'legacy' switch somewhere that I can turn on that'll
allow the JSPServlet to deal with bodyless tags. 

Or should I just patch all these .jsp files to actually be bodyless? I'd
rather not patch because then I'll have to propogate my changes with each
EFS update, and potentially patch other oddities as they arise.

Env: jdk 1.3.1, Orion 1.4.5 through 1.5.2, EFS 3.5SP1

Any help is appreciated.

David S. Kenzik
Original Music   -

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