make sure you turn off the proxy caching with the proper html 1.0 and 1.1
directives.(pragma and no-cache directives) This is probably what is
happening. Very common with proxy servers.

There is a workaround on the orionsupport web page...

As to why there is an issue with windows and linux? I bet linux is better at
giving a proper time mark on a file, where as who knows what windows is up


the elephantwalker

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Colin Jacobs
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2001 12:24 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Orion and proxy servers - odd behaviour

Hi there.

None of my last few posts have gotten through to the list but here goes.

We're noticing some very odd but very serious behaviour with Orion. When we
hit our site through a proxy server, it's not functioning properly. It seems
to fail - either returning an error page or mysteriously loading an empty
page - quite consistently and it seems to be whenever there's a 302
redirect, which translates to response.sendRedirect(...) in a servlet.

Here's the kicker. This happens on any linux installation of Orion (hence,
all important QA and production boxes) but is not reproducible on Windows.
It looks like we're going to have to migrate our web tier to windows - ugh!
- because we have to assume that at least some of the people who'll be using
the site are coming through proxy servers. Or we have to abandon Orion,
which is more work right there.

Has anyone noticed similar behaviour? Have you all tested your sites through
proxies without incident? We've used netscape proxy server and WinProxy 4.0.
We're using the sun VM on all machines. What's the difference between the
VMs on windows and linux that could explain this difference given that HTTP
is so simple?

"Mystified in Berkeley"

Colin Jacobs
Director of Application Development
Opt4 Derivatives
Direct: (510) 981-3225

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