Hi Steve,

I hate this kind of "I had that too" follow-up, but in this case, it's
probably relevant... I had that too.  I got *exactly* the results that you
did, and then we gave up since we were actually trying to get a project
done.  Please do keep us up-to-date if you learn anything.


----- Original Message -----
To: Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2001 6:59 AM
Subject: How to run Jetspeed (Open Source Enterprise Portal) on Orion

> Hi,
> I've already posted this, but I've had no response so I'm giving it
> another go.  I'd really appreciate it if some of the Orion experts here
> could give this a try.  It only takes 10-15 minutes to duplicate the
> problem and the solution is probably obvious to everyone but me.
> I took the following steps in order to run Jetspeed within Orion.  The
> installation was easy, but I am receiving an error when trying to
> access the portal that doesn't happen under other servlet containers.
> Jetspeed is an Enterprise Information Portal and is freely available.
> It is available from the Jakarta project as open source.  It is
> distributed as a WAR file archive here:
> and
> it is also distributed in source form here:
> I
> installed the WAR file into the Orion default web application as a
> quick way to deploy it to see how well it runs under Orion.
> First, I shut down Orion.  Being a development machine, I can avoid
> needing to hot-deploy.
> I then followed Joseph Ottinger's instructions for adding a web
> application to the default web site:
> http://www.orionsupport.com/articles/addwebapp.html
> Specifically, I added the following line to
> $ORION/config/application.xml:
> <web-module id="jetspeed"
> path="/home/smeacham/Jetspeed-1.3a1/jetspeed.war" />
> I also added the following line to $ORION/config/default-web-site.xml:
> <web-app application="default" name="jetspeed" root="/jetspeed/" />
> I then started Orion again and the application auto-unpacked just fine.
>  I then tried to access Jetspeed with a browser:
> http://localhost/jetspeed/
> Orion gives a 403 forbidden error, saying that directory browsing is
> not allowed.  I suppose that Orion doesn't use the index.jsp by default.
> I then tried to access index.jsp directly:
> http://localhost/jetspeed/index.jsp
> Orion then returned a 500 Internal Server Error.  By looking at the
> logs, I noticed an exception being thrown about a properties the
> Turbine Resource File not being found.  Since the path to the file
> looked wrong (the jetpeed/WEB-INF path didn't have the slash), I added
> one by editing jetspeed/WEB-INF/web.xml by adding a leading forward
> slash to the appropriate line (line 19 of 47).
> Then I tried this address again:
> http://localhost/jetspeed/index.jsp
> Everything got much farther along and the log file has a huge amount of
> logging informaiton from Jetspeed.  The end result, however, is another
> 500 Internal Server Error:
> Here is the beginning of the exception:
> java.lang.IllegalStateException: OutputStream already retrieved at
> com.evermind[Orion/1.5.2 (build
> 10460)].server.http.EvermindHttpServletResponse.getWriter(Unknown
> Source) at
> org.apache.turbine.util.RunData.getOut(RunData.java:280) at
> org.apache.jetspeed.services.jsp.tags.JetspeedNavigationTag.doStartTag(J
> etspeedNavigationTag.java:142) at
> /WEB-INF/templates/jsp/layouts/html/default.jsp._jspService(/WEB-INF/tem
> plates/jsp/layouts/html/default.jsp.java:129) (JSP page line 19) at
> com.orionserver[Orion/1.5.2 (build
> 10460)].http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(Unknown Source)
> ...
> I understand what the error seems to be saying.  You shouldn't obtain
> the outputstream from within a JSP.  I've spend several hours trying to
> see what Jetspeed is doing to annoy Orion, but I haven't found it.
> Could somebody please help out?  I'm a veteran developer and have quite
> a bit of web-based experience as well over the last two years, but I
> believe that I may have reached the limits of my JSP understanding and
> experience at this point.
> I believe that I got very close to getting Jetstream to deploy on
> Orion.  Tis would be a big benefit to the Orion community, having an
> inexpensive (free) EIP that can be easily downloaded and deployed on
> our favorite platform.
> Steven

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