As per the DTD and the J2EE specs the order in which tags appear in the
web.xml file is important.

In this particullar case the session-config tag must occur after all servlet
declarations.  In fact your welcome-file-list also should accour after the
servlet tags (and after the session config) as well.

-----Original Message-----
From: remy.menetrieux [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 5:56 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Orion don't read my web.xml ...

I work with oc4j(orion ) deliver with Oracle 9ias. I have deployed a 
web-app but  I lost my session every minutes.
I have a web.xml wich contains this :
but when i log in my homepage
i obtain de directory browsing if directory-browsing="allow" in my 
orion-web.xml else  i have an error 403 (not permitted)
but my servlets are good deployed
Have you idea why orion reads servlet and don't read session config??
Thanks in advance

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